Ilya Morozov's Home Page

Russian version

You are welcome !


I was born in 1972 and now I live in Ivanovo, Russia. After school I entered to the Ivanovo State Power Univercity, where I studied programming and CAD systems. In 1995-1997 I was a leutenant in the Russian Army. Now I am a mathematician-programmer in Open Systems Institute of ISPU.

Computer fun

My interests

I am interested a little in Russian heraldry, so you may visit my Heraldry Page. Here you can find more than 400 blazons of Russian towns.

Blazons of Russian Towns

And may be, it will be interesting for you to visit my page about Russian flags:

Flags of Russian Federation Flags of Russian Federation Flags of Russian Federation

Also I am the author of the shareware-program Cross+A. The purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, nonograms, sudokus and kakuro. It uses a dictionary of 159000 English words (part of them - with descriptions). The program also includes the list of English proverbs and sayings.


Mail You may contact me by e-mail
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